Sunday, January 13, 2013

Welcome to the Maritimes

Ahh, Nova Scotia, where else can you meet the cousin of a friend of a friend in a parking lot somewhere and buy four big, kickin' lobsters, still dripping with sea water, out of his trunk, for twenty bucks? 

I LOOOOOVVVVEEEE lobster!  Well, I love food, obviously - a lot of my posts are food related, either cooking or restaurants, etc.  But lobster - well seafood period - is, for me, the upper echelon of amazingness.  If I ever got stuck on a desert island for the rest of my life and had to eat nothing but seafood, I'd be A-OK.  Happy as a clam. ;)

Anyhoo, yesterday, we got some lobsters!  And when I think of a lobster feast, I think of cold salads on the side.  I looked in the fridge and made my plan.

I pulled out a sweet potato and chopped it up fairly small. 

Then I grabbed this stuff:

Some good Nova Scotia Maple syrup, Dijon mustard, lemon, diagonally sliced green onions, diced dry cranberries, diced red pepper, toasted with sea salt sunflower seeds.

So I just cooked the potato until it was just soft, then cooled it off under some cold water and tossed it in a bit of freshly squeezed lemon juice. (Oh, a super helpful hint I came across recently: to get all your lemon juice out of your lemon quickly and with little effort, wash that lemon off, drop it into some boiling water for a couple minutes {I just chucked it in with the lobsters as they cooked} and then just squeeze as usual.  It works like magic!) 

I tossed in the onions, cranberries, peppers and seeds.  For the dressing I used the juice of half the lemon, about a 1/3 cup of maple syrup and a 1/4 cup of dijon, whisked it all together and tossed it in the salad.

By the time the salad was done, so were these guys:

Ahhh, a feast!  What could be better on a cold January's night?

Till next time folks!

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